
buy clean and pure 3mmc [>94%]  crystal rocks online from GetChems.com and have it shipped to USA, EU, NZ, AU (other area on request)

Special offer: 10 grams 74.50 64.95

3-mmc most likely acts as both a dopamine and norepinephrine releasing agent. this means it may effectively boost the levels of the norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain by binding to and partially blocking the transporter proteins that normally remove those monoamines from the synaptic cleft. this allows dopamine and norepinephrine to accumulate within the brain, resulting in stimulating and euphoric effects.

bulk discount
1 Gram12.45
3 Grams28.00
5 Grams39.00
10 Grams74.50
25 Grams171.00
50 Grams311.00
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