

Buy Clean and pure Lisdexamfetamine [>95.5%] direct from our online shop
Shipping to USA, EU, NZ, AU *
*for research purposes only. human consumption is against our terms of service.

lisdexamfetamine was developed with the goal of providing a long duration of effect that remains consistent throughout the day as well as reduced potential for abuse. the attachment of the amino acid lysine slows down the relative amount of dextroamphetamine that is released into the bloodstream. because no free dextroamphetamine is present in lisdexamfetamine capsules, dextroamphetamine does not become available through mechanical manipulation, such as crushing or simple extraction. there is, therefore, no way to speed up absorption via alternate routes of administration, such as via insufflation, vaporization, or injection, making the drug theoretically less abusable.

bulk discount:
1 Gram14.65
3 Grams33.00
5 Grams46.00
10 Grams88.00
25 Grams201.50
50 Grams366.00
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