

Buy Clean and pure Methoxetamine [>95.0%] direct from our online shop
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*for research purposes only. human consumption is against our terms of service.

mxe acts as a non-competitive nmda receptor antagonist and serotoninreuptake inhibitor. nmda receptors allow for electrical signals to pass between neurons in the brain and spinal column; for the signals to pass, the receptor must be open. dissociatives close the nmda receptors by blocking them. this disconnection of neurons leads to loss of feeling, difficulty moving, and eventually an almost identical equivalent of the famous “k-hole.” mxe was reported to be similar to ketamine , despite being stronger and having a longer duration.

bulk discount:
1 Gram14.65
3 Grams33.00
5 Grams46.00
10 Grams88.00
25 Grams201.50
50 Grams366.00
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