

Buy Clean and pure 3,4-CTMP [>95.5%] direct from our online shop
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*for research purposes only. human consumption is against our terms of service.

3,4-ctmp acts as a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it effectively boosts the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters in the brain by binding to and partially blocking the transporter proteins that normally remove those monoamines from the synaptic cleft. this allows dopamine and norepinephrine to accumulate within the brain, resulting in stimulating and euphoric effects. 3,4-ctmp has also been identified as a relatively potent agonist of 5-ht2b serotonin receptors. this is concerning, as agonism of the 5-ht2b receptors results in a potentially serious effect called pulmonary hypertension, where the pulmonary artery that pumps blood from the heart to the lungs constricts. additionally, chronic stimulation of 5-ht2b receptors has been implicated in serious heart valve disease via fibrosis. other drugs with this effect, such as aminorex (a pharmaceutical weight loss drug that was pulled from the market), have resulted in a large number of long term heart injuries and fatalities across the world.

bulk discount:
1 Gram14.65
3 Grams33.00
5 Grams46.00
10 Grams88.00
25 Grams201.50
50 Grams366.00
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